
Turkish navy to receive Türkiye's largest warship TCG Anadolu

TCG Anadolu will be able to carry vehicles, aircraft and drones

Goksel Yildirim  | 06.04.2023 - Update : 06.04.2023
Turkish navy to receive Türkiye's largest warship TCG Anadolu


Türkiye's largest warship TCG Anadolu will be delivered to the country's navy on Monday, a top official said.

On Thursday, a signing ceremony was held for the construction of three new ships within the scope of the MILGEM Project for the Naval Forces carried out by the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB).

Ismail Demir, the head of Türkiye's Defense Industries Presidency (SSB), said at the ceremony that the TCG Anadolu will be delivered to the Naval Forces Command with a ceremony on Monday.

Demir stated that they aim to complete the integration of Turkish combat drone Bayraktar TB3 into TCG Anadolu this year.

He said Türkiye's indigenous aircraft Hurjet is also planned to be used on the ship.

Demir added that it is too early to talk about the deployment of another Turkish combat drone Anka-3 to the ship.

The TCG Anadolu ship, produced within the scope of the Multi-Purpose Amphibious Assault Ship Project, will be able to transfer at least a battalion-sized force to the designated location with its own logistics support, without the need for home base support.

TCG Anadolu will carry four mechanized, two air-cushioned and two personnel removal vehicles, as well as aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles.

With a length of 231 meters (some 758 feet) and a width of 32 meters (105 feet), the full load displacement equals to some 27,000 tons.

TCG Anadolu will be an important power multiplier for the Turkish navy, especially with the armed unmanned aerial vehicles (SIHA) to be deployed on it.

* Writing by Gokhan Ergocun from Istanbul

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