
Türkiye strongly condemns Israeli military raid in West Bank city of Jenin

Ankara calls on Israel to act with common sense and stop such actions, says Turkish Foreign Ministry

Merve Berker, Diyar Guldogan  | 03.07.2023 - Update : 03.07.2023
Türkiye strongly condemns Israeli military raid in West Bank city of Jenin


Türkiye on Monday strongly condemned a military raid carried out by the Israeli army in the West Bank city of Jenin.

“We are deeply concerned that with these attacks, the current tension in the region could trigger a new spiral of violence,” stressed a Foreign Ministry statement, reiterating Türkiye’s call on Israel to act with common sense and stop such actions.

The statement conveyed Türkiye’s condolences to the Palestinian state and public for those who lost their lives in the raid, also wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

Nine Palestinians were killed by Israeli army fire in the occupied West Bank early Monday, including eight in Jenin, according to the Health Ministry. At least 50 other Palestinians were injured.

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