Anadolu Agency, in coordination with the Turkish Presidency's Communications Directorate, has organized training for journalists from all over the world to survive under harsh conditions.
Fifteen journalists from Georgia, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Algeria, Chad, Kenya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kyrgyzstan who came to Türkiye to attend the Forum on War Journalism and Reporting in Crisis Zone were given training in the northwestern Bolu province.
Elgun Mensinov from Azerbaijan’s Trend News Agency, who is also a graduate of the Anadolu Agency’s News Academy, said the training is unique.
“This kind of training is not provided by any other institutions in the world. Hence, I consider myself quite lucky for having the chance to experience this,” he said.
Mensinov further said the participants were provided with useful training on various matters, including how to respond to injuries and bleeding, and basic fishing and hunting, to be able to survive in nature under unfavorable conditions.
Hassan Mugambi from Kenya maintained that the training would help him perform his duties in his country.
The journalists will arrive at Anadolu Agency’s News Academy on Thursday in the Turkish capital Ankara.
The ongoing forum aims to increase the interest of international media members in Türkiye and to contribute to the promotion of the country by providing interaction between foreign and Turkish war correspondents.
As part of the forum, war correspondents will share their field experiences, and exchange ideas on the difficulties of the profession, the dangers encountered on the spot, and new technologies as well as rules that need to be updated.