The first of the applied studio training that the Presidency Directorate of Communications and Anadolu Agency (AA) will give to 100 students from 10 universities in order to train communication faculty students has started.
The Presidency's Directorate of Communications and Anadolu Agency prepared an applied studio training for communication faculty students.
The first of the trainings under the coordination of AA News Academy started with the participation of 20 students studying at the communication faculties of Mersin and Yozgat Bozok universities.
The two-day training aims to provide qualified employees to the media sector. Successful students selected by universities will be given training in the fields of television programming, director training, announcer and diction techniques, greenbox applications, advanced lighting and image techniques, cinematography, journalism training and media literacy, and journalism in the post-real age.
Speaking at the opening of the training, AA News Academy Director Cihangir Isbilir stated that 100 students from 10 universities will be trained. Isbilir stated that the training will be given practically by master journalists at AAtolye, which has all the features of a comprehensive and modern studio.
We transfer experiences to new generations with the master-apprentice method
Isbilir stated that the News Academy will continue to develop its collaborations with universities and especially communication faculties.
The two-day training aims to provide qualified employees to the media sector. Successful students selected by universities will be given training in the fields of television programming, director training, announcer and diction techniques, greenbox applications, advanced lighting and image techniques, cinematography, journalism training and media literacy, and journalism in the post-real age.