Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that "as of now, Israel should not place obstacles in the establishment of a Palestinian state whose capital is Eastern Jerusalem."
Erdogan's comments came after Palestine became a 'non-member observer state' at the United Nations earlier in the week.
Delivering remarks at the luncheon of the Fifth Meeting of the Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum at the level of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Istanbul, Prime Minister Erdogan underlined that Israel had to see now that as long as the Palestinian problem continued, it would not be possible to bring tranquility, peace, stability and security to the region and that bloodshed and tears would not end.
"At a time when the whole world and Islamic geography embraced themselves over the joy of Palestine, we can never accept non-embracing factions among the Palestinians," Erdogan noted.
"In order to carry Palestine to a further status and to see Palestine as a state with capital of Eastern Jerusalem, the unity and solidarity in Palestine is a must and we want to see this and experience the excitement," Erdogan also said.