2 suicide bombers shot dead in southern Iraq
Bombers were planning attacks against civilians in Babel, police say

By Ali Jawad
Iraqi forces shot dead two suicide bombers in the southern city of Babel on Sunday, according to a local police officer.
Security forces engaged the two bombers who were planning to carry out attacks on civilians gathered to commemorate the Day of Ashura, which marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of the prophet’s grandson Al-Hussein, Police First Lieutenant Ihsan Khaled said.
Al Hussein's martyrdom is widely interpreted by Shias as a symbol of the struggle against injustice, tyranny and oppression.
Daesh terrorist group sees Shias as heretics and has carried out attacks against them.
After overrunning vast territories in both Iraq and Syria in mid-2014, Daesh has recently suffered a string of decisive defeats at the hands of the Iraqi army.
In August, the group was driven from Tal Afar in Iraq’s northern Nineveh province. One month earlier, the northern city of Mosul -- once the capital of Daesh’s self-proclaimed “caliphate” -- fell to the army after a nine-month siege.