World, Middle East

Israel bans 20 NGOs from entry for boycott support

Israel publishes blacklist of 20 groups opposed to its continued occupation of Palestine

Handan Kazancı  | 07.01.2018 - Update : 09.01.2018
Israel bans 20 NGOs from entry for boycott support


By Eshat Firat  


Israel on Sunday banned representatives of 20 NGOs working in the country from its territory due to their supporting a campaign opposed to the occupation of Palestine. 

According to Israeli daily Haaretz, Israel published a blacklist of 20 organizations, including 11 European and 6 U.S. groups, due to their support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.  

Israel’s Channel 7 quoted the country’s Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan as saying: “We have shifted from defense to offense. The boycott organizations should know that the state of Israel will act against them and not allow [them] to enter its territory.”  

Among the people on the blacklist are the France-Palestine Solidarity Association, British War on Want, BDS France and Italy, European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, American Friends Service Committee, American Muslims for Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, Code Pink, Jewish Voice for Peace, and National Students for Justice in Palestine.  

BDS Chile and South Africa are also on the list, according to Haaretz.  

The BDS movement is a global campaign to put more economic and political pressure on Israel to end violations of international law.  

The campaign was launched "to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law," according to its website.  

Musicians such as Roger Waters and Elvis Costello have also canceled shows in Israel in support of the campaign.

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