World, Middle East

Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire in Jerusalem

Hundreds others injured in clashes around city, West Bank over Al-Aqsa Mosque restrictions

21.07.2017 - Update : 22.07.2017
Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire in Jerusalem


Three Palestinian men were shot dead and hundreds of others were injured in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem on Friday, according to health officials.

The killings came as Palestinians and Israeli security forces clashed after security restrictions were placed on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

“Mohammad Sharaf was killed in Ras al-Amoud neighborhood after he was shot in his head by a Jewish settler,” the Palestinian Ministry of Health said in a statement.

An eyewitness, who asked not to be named due to safety concerns, told Anadolu Agency the gunman “opened fire on Palestinian protesters in East Jerusalem, which led to the death of one of them”.

“Another Palestinian who was identified as Mohammad Lafi, 17, was killed after a bullet struck his heart during clashes with Israeli forces in Abu Dies village in eastern Jerusalem,” the ministry added.

Makassed Hospital in East Jerusalem identified 20-year-old Mohammad Abu Ghannam as the third victim.

“He was killed during clashes with Israeli forces at Al-Tour neighborhood, southern Jerusalem,” the hospital said.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, the injury toll was 391; apart from wounds from live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas, some victims said they were run over by Israeli armed forces vehicles.

Other clashes between angry Palestinian youths and Israeli forces broke out in several cities across the West Bank after Friday prayers.

Protests broke out on Sunday after the mosque’s leadership spoke out against the metal detectors, which were installed following a gun attack last week that left three Palestinians and two Israeli police officers dead.

The measures led to a wave of anger among Palestinians, who called for the immediate removal of the detectors. However, Israel has refused to back down, saying the detectors matched security measures at other holy sites around the world.

Meanwhile, Turkey expressed deep concern over the Israeli restrictions and violence.

"We are deeply anxious and concerned," Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a written statement.

"Respecting the holiness and historical status of Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, which is situated in Eastern Jerusalem where Israel has occupied since 1967, is a humanitarian and judicial obligation," the statement said.

Turkey urged Israel to "immediately" abolish all restrictions, including the metal detectors at the entrance of Al- Aqsa mosque compound and return to the status quo, and pay attention to international community’s calls.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East War. It later annexed the city in 1980, claiming all of Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s "eternal" capital -- a move never recognized by the international community.

Sacred to Muslims, Jews, and Christians, Jerusalem is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which for Muslims represents the world's third holiest site.

*Fatih Hafiz Mehmet contributed this story from Ankara.

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