More than 40,000 remanded in custody since coup bid
People remanded include over 6,000 soldiers and 7,000 police officers, says Justice Ministry source

By Kemal Karadag
More than 40,000 suspects have been remanded in custody over suspected links to the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) since the July 15 coup attempt, a Justice Ministry source told Anadolu Agency on Monday.
Since the coup attempt a total of 41,326 suspects, including 6,325 soldiers and more than 7,000 police officers, have been remanded in custody across Turkey, said the source, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on talking to the media.
After the defeated coup, public prosecutors have taken legal action on 103,850 suspects, of which 41,326 were jailed, 35,495 released under judicial control, and 10,265 released.
A total of 902 suspects were also arrested, the source added.
As part of FETO probes, courts have issued arrest warrants for 5,150 suspected FETO members, including 115 soldiers, 223 police officers, and 4,571 public servants, the source added.
According to Turkey’s government, FETO leader Fetullah Gulen masterminded the July 15 defeated coup, which left at least 248 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured.
The Turkish government has also said FETO is behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary.
In the wake of the coup attempt, tens of thousands FETO suspects have been arrested, including many in the armed forces, police,